Sunday, February 3, 2008

1 Nephi 1:9

9 And it came to pass that he saw One descending out of the midst of heaven, and he beheld that his aluster was above that of the sun at noon-day.

At the risk of stating the obvious, it appears that Lehi, thinking that he has just seen the Father (vs 8), now sees One descending out of heaven who must be the Son, our Savior. His description reminds us of Joseph Smith’s first vision; where the light is as bright as sun at noon day.
I am intrigued by the use of the word luster. Two of the most significant definitions of luster are quite different while still both applying perfectly to how we are led to believe the Savior would appear in vision. The first has to do with the appearance in a visual sense; glass, glaze or sheen. The second more with the impression, the impact of seeing; glory, radiance, distinction or splender.
The impact of seeing the Savior especially is vision, where the Holy Ghost can communicate in ways not limited by the senses of sight and hearing, must be over whelming and life changing to say the least.

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