Sunday, February 3, 2008

1 Nephi 1:7

7 And it came to pass that he returned to his own house at Jerusalem; and he cast himself upon his bed, being aovercome with the Spirit and the things which he had seen.

“it cam to pass” has appeared 4 time in the first 7 verses. I suppose this is like we might say, “then” or “it happened that”. Is the fact that it says “his own house” imply he had been at someone else’s house? It is often said that Lehi was a merchant and was probably on a trip buying or selling his merchandise. Could it have been that he had been inspired by one of the other prophets and had gone to this prophet’s home with him to receive more of the “word”? Verse 5 indicated (wherefore) that it was because of preaching of the prophets that Lehi prayed. Maybe when he “went forth”, it was from another prophets house. So much had the prophesying affected him that he prayed earnestly. Having received a miraculous answer to his prayer, Lehi goes home. The things he “saw and heard” are praying on his mind and the Spirit continues to work on him, until when he arrives at home he is “overcome with the Spirit” and is now given more, this time by means of a vision.

1 comment:

Clark said...

I hadn't thought of these things before.

Your thoughts here suggest he did some pondering. We know from Nephi's experience that it is crucial to have the pondering. Knowing this it makes it seem ever so important that we take time to ponder conference talks and our lessons, and especially the scriptures.